Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Milk & Bread!!!

Let it snow, let it snow! Well with the approach of wintery weather.........Do we all have our milk and bread? Somehow that has become the staple of a good winter storm. We can survive without anything else....but milk and bread...that's a must, it will get us through anything!

As it approaches I have thought about going to the grocery store but I have chosen to not to. I don't want to wait in the traffic line trying to turn into the grocery store....little long the line inside the store, plus the fact... there is probably no milk or bread left to be had....then where would I be but irritated. Instead I think I will choose to take my computer home, some paperwork and prepare to spend tomorrow at home working if the weather calls for it! Sometimes those are the most productive and creative days anyway! With our computers and cell phones we can practically work from anywhere and get it all done.........sometimes even more with the peace and quiet of a good winters day!

Wishng everyone the joy of a beautiful snowflake!

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